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Technologies: Text


  • Connection points between external (outside Matrix) and internal (inside Matrix) phone-lines

    • Tank can issue a command to pull Morpheus and his followers out of the Matrix through this technology.


  • Wall of monitors in the Nebuchadnezzar ship

    • Displays the Matrix simulation as raw code that changes as the Matrix updates in real time.  Morpheus’ crew can monitor what is going on within the Matrix through this display of code, having the ability to mentally translate the code into a video format.


  • Red pill device

    • This pill is a trace program that disrupts Neo’s input output carrier signal so Morpheus’ team can pinpoint his location within the Matrix. This pill (used alongside other pieces of technological equipment) serves as the technology to break people trapped inside the Matrix out of their simulated lives and into reality.


  • Body rebuilding technology

    • An acupuncture-like machine with needles all over the user’s body to rebuild their atrophied muscles at an accelerated pace after exiting the Matrix for the first time.


  • The construct

    • A loading program created by Morpheus’ group that they can use to create anything they need before going into the Matrix. The construct is also the place where Morpheus’ group conducts training simulations to develop combat skills.


  • Upload link for data transfer

    • This upload technology allows Tank to upload training and experience data directly into Matrix resident/ex-resident minds through the plug in their skulls. Examples include martial arts fighting skills and helicopter (B-212) piloting skills.


  • The Matrix

    • A simulation technology that is indistinguishable from human reality. This simulation implements laws of physics and life-death cycles for its inhabitants to mirror the conditions of Earth in the late 20th century. The system is not flawless however; it is susceptible to hacks that can alter the code and allow users to bend or break the laws of physics as well as bring outside weapons into the simulation.


  • AI Sentinels

    • AI machines that patrol the real world outside of the Matrix, hunting for Zion and any human rebels who have escaped the Matrix. These machines are pictured as large and metallic, with squid like appendages that have claws at the ends. These creatures were mass-produced by the AI singularity, a hivemind that grew out of control after humanity developed it.


  • Agent programs

    • The embodiment of the AI race within the Matrix. Agents are computer programs that exist to destroy human rebels inside the Matrix simulation. They are the extermination or antivirus program developed by the AI to ensure a smoothly running Matrix simulation.

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